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Mind Yourself Someone to Deadly

Posted by Tutorial Programming on Selasa, 29 Mei 2012

The mind can kill us . The sentence was not arbitrary , because what's on our mind will determine what we will lakukkan . So the thought was we could not offhand . There are seven types of thoughts that are harmful to our lives . What is it ?

1 . stress
Whatever we do , try not to make stes . Research shows that prolonged stress can be deadly . Stress increases the risk of heart disease , flu virus , metabolic syndrome , and increased blood pressure . Make no mistake , it was a happy sometimes stressful too . British scientists found that people who got the promotion work stress increased by 10 % and more frequently to the physician .

2 . moody
Moodiness makes people less able to not only get along , but also decreased physical condition . Study of 180 patients with clogged arteries , solitary proven patients at risk of death twice that of patients who were cheerful . The study, published in the journal Archives of Surgery , said that the type of personality we are closely related to the immune system and response system .

3 . restless
Nervousness or anxiety tend to trigger weakness , and correlates with Alzheimer's disease , and even insanity . This theory is derived from studies conducted at more than 500 elderly people who lived alone for five years . They were spirited extrovert 50 % lower risk of developing dementia than those who are often nervous and anxious .

4 . Disadvantages of self-control
Often late keep their promises ? It's hard to control yourself ? Hard to draw up their own possessions ? Just be vigilant , because these bad habits reflect the health condition . Studies conducted Howard S. Friedman , scientists from the University of California , hahwa prove they are disciplined lifestyle , regularly , can live two to four years longer than those who do not . And usually those who can not control themselves are people who are stressed or drink alcohol addiction .

5 . restless
People who often feel restless , often worry and depression , died more rapidly than the average irang most . Study in 1800 men aged over 30 years , proving that the neurotic patient is a smoker . According to Daniel Mrocze kdari Purdue University , this anxiety sufferers think that cigarettes can calm them , but instead it is slowly killing

6 . Disadvantages meaning of life
If we feel a lack of sense of self , it is dangerous . Research at 1200 elderly people prove that they are not suffering from a mental disorder are those who have a high purpose in life . " People with a higher understanding of life's purpose will do things will go in for his life, and his behavior is quite healthy , " said researcher Patricia Boyle of the Rush Alzheimer 's Disease Center in Chicago .

7 . cynical
Cynical , suspicious , do not believe anyone else , is a character that bus increase heart disease . Studies conducted on 300 Vietnam veterans who claimed that they had anxiety and disbelief at about potentially 25 % higher heart disease .

source : http://nilasari90.blogspot.com



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